Monday, July 07, 2008


Gotta say this guy was pretty uninspiring as far as patients (let alone patients with brain injuries) were concerned. I had this guy several times and he would vary from shift to shift. Sometimes he was docile (and relatively vegetable like) plodding along the hallways slowly. Other times he was like George from Of mice and men (minus the talking and plus teh super strength and anger). Apparently he had a brain infection and had a loss of short term memory. Id argue that i was more severe then that. Granted he didnt have the outward appearance of an academic but he certainly was short on words (said a bare minimum) and had a vapid look in his eye that was only made worse with the regular drooling.

He did however maintain a healthy appetite. He could fucking eat.
Admittedly this post is less about the patient i was caring for then about another patient i encountered that night.

CJ wouldnt usually last too long and as a result he'd go to bed and id have the majority of the evening to myself to read whatever book i had at the moment as well as contemplate what was wrong with my stomach (it was about this time that h. pylori started growing in my stomach. Its horrible. If you even sorta think you have it, get it sorted.).

In most situations youd read for hours on end and maybe talk to the nurses, some of which were fascinating others were just downright sweethearts. Once in a while this routine would be broken. And lucky for me, it was one of those nights.

Close to the end of my shift, it would have been about 5 or 6 in the morning (as mentioned in the intro post, it was an 8 to 8 shift), i was slowly getting sleepier and sleepier. I heard a noise down the hall, however in my sleepy haze and the darkened hallway it was too tough to see.

It approached at a great speed considering the time of day, the size of the moving object.

As it approached, en lieu of getting bigger, he seemed to stay the same size.

The shriveled man had huge glasses like Uncle Junior or Bubbles and a hat stolen from caddyshack.

He had a giant grin on his face and looked both happy to see me and to be alive. He nodded and asked how my day was (which was more or less over and uneventful) and I asked him how his was (which was just starting). He then excused himself and raced off top speed with his tiny toothpick legs dangling away. All the while leaning forward in an adventurous manner, as if he was a dog that had just been released from being kenneled all night.


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