Monday, December 10, 2007


Its odd looking through this old notebook of mine as im really quite limited to whatever small notes i have scrawled in there. If anything its pretty fun to make an attempt at putting together the pieces of the story. The fellow im about to write about i remember absolutely very little about. It would seem that he sounded alot like Mushmouth. What I would really like to know is how i found out the following information (i wish i could scan the original bit ive got written here)


Im not sure how i came about this information as anything i wrote that followed that has absolutely NOTHING to do with square dancing, cowboys, country music or any other topic that would be associated with square dancing. Actually i take that back, as it says "Had a friend refer to their child as a "Mentally retard". Right away the image that im sure flashes in most peoples minds is that scene from Deliverance. That shits pretty country right there.

It would seem that the old boy enjoyed a good game of cribbage as well. Now I have to admit that ive never played it since (and never played it previous to that). Im im not mistaken it involves cards (obviously) and a race using little plastic picks on a small wooden board. Slowly but surely images of this gentlemen are gracing my mind. I seem to remember a smaller cat with a mustache and really short hair, he was a white dude prob around the age of 76 or so. Definitely energetic but ya couldnt understand a fucking thing the fellah was saying (which was adorable).

Whats fantastic is the fact that I took the time to write down how much the man truly loved Dr Phil. Now those who know me well are well aware that i am a glutton when it comes to television. As a result i must have felt (i certainly do now) that we had an instant repetoire and that we were surely going to be bestfriends forever. From the looks of things it was Dr Phils frankness (and yet again the theme comes up), his country saavy that WP enjoyed. There is truly very little that can contest watching modern day television with old timey old'uns. The majority are clearly knowledgeable about how the world works and how truly fucked up human nature can be and yet they seem astounded and fascinated with the most simple of shows.

To be honest who can blame them. They have probably seen two world wars and survived in a tin roofed dirt shack and now after all that hard work and toiling, can sit back and watch Judge Judy berate Johnny Rotten. Im sure Sids rolling in his grave.

Some leeway needs to be granted here as the original excerpt said "I got him to watch an episode of Judge Judy before my shift ended. Apparently Johnny Rotten was once on Judge Judy. Im glad i no longer have cable"

What kind of bullshit is that last sentence.
Thank god ive grown up since then.

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